Updated Articles

  1.  Strata Master Top Tip #88 - Knowledgebase

  2.  Strata Master Top Tip #87 - Saving to File Smart

  3.  Strata Master Top Tip #86 - Optimise BPAY Process

  4.  Strata Master Top Tip #85 - Default BPAY Description

  5.  Strata Master Top Tip #84 - Receipt Allocation Order

  6.  Strata Master Top Tip #83 - Search by Invoice Number

  7. How to Email Owner Statements in REST Professional

    How to Email Owner Statements in Rest Professional You can setup Rest to email your owner statements rather than printing and mailing them. This can not only save your agency money on postage, but also save time printing the statements and putt...
  8. Strata Master Version 12.0 Release Notes

    Strata Master Version 12.0 including File Smart 7.11 Release Training & Release Notes File Smart Version 7.11 was released in conjunction with Strata Master Version 12.0 - Release notes are included in the Strata Master Release Notes below.&nb...
  9.  Australian End of Financial Year - EOFY Statements in Rest - Video

    Processing Australian End of Financial Year in Rest Professional - EOFY Statements - Video Learn how to process the New Zealand End of Financial Year Statements thru Rest Professional with this 2.35 minute video. ...
  10. How to Charge Income and Expenditure Fees in REST Professional - Australia

    How to Charge Income and Expenditure Fees in REST Professional - Australia Overview You can setup and charge Income & Expenditure fees in REST Professional.  This can be processed before or after you run end of financial year as fo...