Updated Articles

  1.  Strata Master Top Tip #99 - Duplicate Invoices

  2.  Strata Master Top Tip #98 - Access Portals from your Home Screen

    This simple step makes it much easier for you and your customers to access the portals without typing out an address or navigating via your website. ...
  3.  Strata Master Top Tip #97 - Creating Payment Plans

    Many owners are doing it tough right now. To help them out till they get back on their feet, you can defer their payment to a later date with a few clicks in Strata Master. ...
  4.  Strata Master Top Tip #96 - Split Levy Correspondence

    A lot of agencies have separate email addresses for general correspondence and levy notices and get frustrated if you continually send levy notices to the general address you probably store in Strata Master. Luckily, there’s a second ...
  5.  Strata Master Top Tip #95 - Quick Updates with Rockend SMS

    Whether its reminding residents of an upcoming fire inspection, letting them know about a broken lift, or part of your debt recovery process, SMS is a great way to get your message seen quickly and by more people. ...
  6.  Strata Master Top Tip #94 - Quick Navigation with Chain Link

  7.  Strata Master Top Tip #93 - Automated Management Fees

    Manually processing and charging fees is time consuming, and thanks to Strata Master, unnecessary! Today you’ll learn how to set up fees based on a variety of triggers, so they are charged automatically, and you never need to worry ab...
  8.  Strata Master Top Tip #92 - Quantity Based Fees Detail Report

    This report makes it easy to justify your fees based on work performed, so that any time your owners or committee members query what they are paying for, you can show them quickly and easily. ...
  9.  Strata Master Top Tip #90 - Restrict Access to Sensitive Information

    Not everyone needs access to everything, and providing lots of people with access to functions they don’t need to do their job (and haven’t been trained in using) can be a security risk. Strata Master has extensive user configur...
  10.  Strata Master Top Tip #89 - Hover and Hotkeys