Updated Articles

  1. How to do an Email Merge in Rest Professional

    How to do an Email Merge in Rest Professional   Overview In Rest Professional, you can merge to an email from a template saved in the Rest Word folder in the same way you would a normal merge letter, or you can create a new document to email ...
  2. How to Generate Income and Expenditure Reports in Rest Professional - Australia

    How to Generate Income & Expenditure Reports in Rest Professional - Australia Overview The Income & Expenditure reports list the accumulated income and expenses for owners for any financial year. The Income and Expenditure Summaries can...
  3. How to Install REST Professional onto a New Computer

    How to Install Rest Professional onto a New Computer Overview These instructions will take you through the process to install Rest Professional onto a new computer. You do not need the CD to install Rest. Steps The setup file is located in the...
  4. EOFY - Rest Professional End of Financial Year Procedure for Australia

  5. Getting Started with the Pre Migration Wizard

    The Pre Migration Wizard The Pre Migration Wizard should be used to ensure a smooth and successful migration of data from Rest Professional into Property Tree. Using the Pre Migration Wizard will ensure your data is prepared prior to migration....
  6.  Strata Master Top Tip #103 - Change of Ownership Wizard

    Changing the ownership of a lot often involves multiple steps, any of which can get lost along the way – unless you’re using the Change of Ownership Wizard of course! ...
  7.  Strata Master Top Tip #102 - Charge Unpaid Interest

    Dealing with levy arrears is often time consuming and laborious – especially when owners pay incomplete amounts or forget to pay interest owed. The ‘Charge unpaid interest’ checkbox can be used to completely automate follo...
  8.  Strata Master Top Tip #101 - Spelling and Grammar Check

    Spellcheck work orders, quotes, agendas and minutes creating through the meeting wizard, and any correspondence sent to owners. It’s a great way to ensure your correspondence stays professional and avoid any awkward errors. ...
  9.  Strata Master Top Tip #91 - Bulk Edit Documents

    What do you do when you discover documents that have been allocated to the wrong plan, or that need to be filed in a different way? No, these don’t need to be edited individually! With just a few clicks you can update you electronic f...
  10.  Strata Master Top Tip #100 - Work Order Comments

    As restrictions ease and buildings continue to ramp maintenance work back up, communicating with your tradies is more important than ever. It’s simple to setup custom messages for specific work orders, or even apply a global message t...