

Clearing Statements and Payments Procedure
Clearing Statements and Payments Procedure Overview Clearing Statements show only those transactions since the last clearing statement. There may be several cleared statements during the month. Once the statements are printed, you are aske...
 Creating Global Comments on Owner Statements
Creating Global Comments on Owner Statements Learn how to create a global or permanent statement comment on owner statements in this short 2 minute video. ...
 Creating a Tenant Invoice/Statement
Creating a Tenant Invoice/Statement Learn how to create an invoice/statement for residential and commercial tenants in this short 2 minute video. ...
 Creating a Tenant Invoice/Statement Global Comment
Creating a Tenant Invoice/Statement Global Comment Learn how to create a global invoice/statement comment on tenant invoices/statements in this short 2 minute video. ...
Emailing an Owner Statement (Clearing Statements)
Emailing an Owner Statement (Clearing Statements) There will be instances when an Owner will call your agency and request a copy of a previous monthly statement. REST Professional retains copies of ledgers, owner statements or Income & Expendit...
 Exporting REST Professional Information to Microsoft Excel
Exporting REST Professional Information to Microsoft Excel Learn how to export information in REST Professional (such as owner, property and tenant master files) to a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel in this short 2 minute video. ...
Export Data in REST Professional Version 14
Export Data in REST Professional Version 14 Overview REST Professional Version 14.0 offers an enhancement to the existing Print Letter / Export Data functionality in REST Professional by enabling users to export sel...
File Changes Report in REST Professional
File Changes Report in REST Professional Overview The file changes report records a list of changes made to Owner details, Creditor Details, Vendors and Buyer Details and various other changes made in REST. For each entry, the report sho...
How to Create a Rent Invoice in REST Professional
How to Create a Rent Invoice in Rest Professional In Rest Professional you are able to generate an Invoice for Rent, Outgoings and any invoices due. This is mostly used for Commercial Tenants who require an invoice for Rent and Outgoings payable f...
How to Create an Owner Invoice in REST Professional
How to Create an Owner Invoice in REST Professional Overview You may have an owner with insufficient funds to pay an invoice and you need to invoice the owner for payment. You cannot create an invoice in REST to send to the ow...
How to Generate a Sales Statement in REST Professional
How to Generate a Sales Statement in REST Professional Overview The sales statement for the vendor may be printed at any time and shows all trust and investment account transactions for the sale.  This document will cover: ...
How to Generate a Tenant Lease Dates Report
How to Generate a Tenant Lease Dates Report Overview Depending on the report options chosen, the Tenant Lease Dates Report prints a list of tenants with the lease expiry date, lease review date, original lease start date, current lease start date,...
How to Generate a Vendor Invoice in REST Professional
How to Generate a Vendor Invoice in REST Professional   Overview The vendor invoice shows all sales receipts and disbursements posted with the type of advertising and any disbursements posted form the sales advert...
How to Generate an Account Sale in REST Professional
  How to Generate an Account Sale in REST Professional Overview The Account Sale is specifically designed for Victorian users and prints a sales statement for the Vendor which shows:  The deposit...
How to Generate Property Authority Date Report in REST Professional
How to Generate Property Authority Date Report in REST Professional Overview Depending on the report options chosen, the Property Authority Date Report prints a list of properties with authority start date or authority expiry date. Th...
How to Generate the Advertising Summary by Sale In Rest Professional
How to Generate the Advertising Summary by Sale   Overview The advertising summary shows, for each sale, the advertising items entered on the property tab of the Sales Detail along with information whether they h...
How to Generate the Bond Reports in REST Professional
How to Generate the Bond Reports in REST Professional Overview There are several reports that relate to the Tenant Bonds in REST Professional: The Bond Report – This report prints a list of tenants showing the bond n...
How to Generate the Business Summary Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Business Summary Report in REST Professional Overview This report produces an MS Excel Spreadsheet which includes all the information required to value your rent roll. The Business Summary Spreadsheet offers the abil...
How to Generate the Consolidated Management Report Graph
How to Generate the Consolidated Management Report Graph Overview The Consolidated Management Report allows you to produce the Management, Management Revenue the Gained and Lost Management Reports with a single click. If you export the man...
How to Generate the Creditor Insurance Due Report
How to Generate the Creditor Insurance Due Report Overview On the payment tab of the creditor details there is a field for insurance renewal of the creditor’s public liability, professional indemnity or other insurance coverage. The Credit...
Property Status Report in Rest Professional
Property Status Summary in Rest Professional Overview From version 19 a new report has been added under Reports > Property > Property Status Summary. This summary can be filtered to use either the Property Status Filter or the Vacancy Filter. It...
How to Generate the Management Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Management Report in REST Professional Overview A Management Report is beneficial to the business as it produces statistics about the management of the rental portfolio. It may be produced for one month or a number of m...
How to Generate the Management Revenue Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Management Revenue Report in REST Professional Overview The Management Revenue Report shows the agency revenue produced from management fees, letting fees and advertising for each Accounting Month. This report includes ...
How to Generate the Owner Detail Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Owner Detail Report in REST Professional Overview You can print a list of owners, including name & address, telephone numbers, payment/statement details, tax & postage charges. If you would like to monitor who runs this...
How to Generate the Owners/Tenants by Property Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Owners/Tenants by Property Report in REST Professional This report will show you the contact information for the owner and tenant for each property and will be listed in property order. If you would like to monitor who runs ...
How to Generate the Property Advertised Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Property Advertised Report Overview The Property Advertised Report shows the complete advertising details for properties that have been selected for upload to an Advertising Service with or without the photographs and...
How to Generate the Property Detail Report in REST Professional
How to Generate the Property Detail Report in REST Professional Overview You can print a Property Detail Report which will list details in the Property alpha index order.  The information on this report includes, Property address, Owner ...
How to Generate the Sales Advertising Ledger in REST Professional
How to Generate the Sales Advertising Ledger   Overview The Sales Advertising Ledger looks at the transactions for the Advertising sub account only where Advertising has been used to receipt and disburse. It does not incl...
How to Generate the Sales Ledger in REST Professional
How to Generate the Sales Ledger in REST Professional   Overview The sales ledger shows all transactions relating to the trust and investment ledger and can be run for all sales cards, or criteria can be selected ...
How to Process a One Off Creditor Payment in Rest Professional
How to Process a One Off Creditor Payment in Rest Professional Overview This process allows you to payout a creditor immediately by EFT, Cheque or BPAY for either a single disbursement or multiple disbursements. You must ensure that the disbursem...
How to Process a One Off Owner Payment – Clearing Statements
How to Process a One Off Owner Payment – Clearing Statements Overview A one off owner payment may be required outside of the usual clearing statement and payment process. This document will cover: How to Process a one off Clearing Statement and...
How to Process a One off Owner Payment in Rest Professional
How to Process a One Off Owner Payment in Rest Professional Overview There may be times during the month other than end of month or mid-month when you are required to pay out an owner their rental funds.  This document will cover: How to Proce...
How to Reconcile Holiday Booking Internal Accounts with Reports in REST Professional
How to Reconcile Holiday Booking Internal Accounts with Reports in REST Professional Overview In the Holiday Booking Module there are several reports and internal accounts that need to be reconciled regularly.  We recommend that you check ...
How to Reproduce Owner Statements in REST Professional
How to Reproduce Owner Statements in REST Professional Overview You can reproduce current or prior month’s statements for an Owner at any time in REST. You can preview, print or email these statements. If you are a fileSMART user, you can ...
How to Reprint a Clearing Statement in REST Professional
How to Reprint a Clearing Statement in REST Professional Overview You may be required to reprint a previous clearing statement for an Owner.  You can reprint clearing statements for any month in the previous seven year period.  This can be...
How to Setup and Use Property Reminders in Rest Professional
How to Setup and Use Property Reminders Overview Property reminders are set up for tasks such as Fire Safety Inspections, Pest inspections, Swimming Pool inspections or any other property maintenance scheduled in for a reminder. From Version 18.5,...
How to Setup and Use Statement Style 13 in REST Professional
How to Setup and Use Statement Style 13 in REST Professional Overview Statement Style 13 is only available for users with the REST Advanced Commercial Module. When the Outgoings Held Statement Style is switched on for an owner, you ma...
How to use the Property Vacancy Grid in REST Professional
How to use the Property Vacancy Grid in Rest Professional Overview The Property Vacancy List displays your vacant and vacating properties in an easy to use list.  It also displays information on properties with applications taken, leased propertie...
How to Use the Property Vacancy Report in REST Professional
How to Use the Property Vacancy Report in REST Professional  Overview The Property Vacancy Report produces a list of properties that are vacant or are becoming vacant as at the entered date. Properties marked as ‘not for relet’ or as ‘bein...
How to Use the Vacancy Counter Report in REST Professional
How to Use the Vacancy Counter Report in REST Professional Overview The Vacancy Counter Report can be produced to provide a list of available or upcoming rentals to prospective tenants. The report includes photos, advertising details, the ...
Managements Gained and Lost Tracking and Reporting
Managements Gained and Lost Tracking and Reporting REST Professional version 10.5 introduced enhancements to Property Details, Rest Management and KPI Reports that allows you to capture more information and track where new managements came from and...
New and Lost Management Reports
New and Lost Management Reports From version 10.0 the New / Lost Management Report available from Reports > Management > New / Lost Management Report has been modified so that lost managements are now calculated using the Management Lost Date. ...
Owner Statement Sample Style 3
Owner Statement Sample Style 3
Owner Statement Sample Style 11
Owner Statement Sample Style 11
Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry
Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry REST Professional version 10.5 introduced the ability to withhold funds from Owners in bulk. The Owner Withhold Funds screen allows you to edit existing owners’ withhold amounts and add new owners, saving time when p...
 Reprinting and Emailing Owner Statements (Non-Clearing Database)
Reprinting and Emailing Owner Statements (Non-Clearing Database) Learn how to reprint and email owner statements in a non-clearing database in this short 2 minute video.  ...
REST Professional Management Reports Calculations
REST Professional Management Reports Calculations Ownership report Number of Owners with properties Totals the number of owners who have properties attached. Does not include owners marked as internal. ...
The Management Fees Collected Report in REST Professional
The Management Fees Collected Report Overview This report produces a list of properties and the fees and taxes taken in the chosen month, showing these figures exclusive of GST. It may be run for all managers, a particular manager or class of prop...
 Understanding a Tenant Ledger
Understanding a Tenant Ledger Learn how to read the quick tenant ledger in REST Professional by watching this short 3 minute video. ...
 Understanding a Quick Tenant Ledger
Understanding a Quick Tenant Ledger Learn how to read the tenant ledger in REST Professional by watching this short 3 minute video. ...
Understanding Commercial Reports in REST Professional
Understanding Commercial Reports in REST Professional Overview The commercial reports are only available for commercial properties used within the Advanced Commercial Module.  If you do not have the Advanced Commercial Module see A...
Understanding Holiday Booking Reports in REST Professional
Understanding Holiday Booking Reports in REST Professional Overview There are various reports that will help you filter information on all your Holiday Bookings set up in REST. This document will cover the following holiday booking re...
Understanding Internal Account Transfer Balances in REST Professional
Understanding Internal Account Transfer Balances Overview This document will assist you to understand the internal account transfer balance and how it accumulates with automatically generated management fees, as well as understand how th...
Understanding the Agency GST Report
Understanding the Agency GST Report Overview In REST the Agency GST report shows the GST collected by the Agency on the fees charged to owners for the selected month. The amount on the agency GST report should match the GST amount in ...
Understanding the Residential Tenant Ledger in REST Professional
Understanding the Residential Tenant Ledger in REST Professional
Understanding the Quick Tenant Ledger
Understanding the Quick Tenant Ledger