Updated Articles

  1.  Strata Master Top Tip #75 - Meeting Resolution Templates

    Meeting Resolution Templates This week, learn how to add additional resolution templates to the meeting wizard in Strata Master.   Save time writing minutes by creating templates that enable you to quickly add various resolutions for com...
  2. Splitting one BPay invoice between two or more Strata Plans

    Splitting one BPay invoice between two or more Strata Plans This article will assist you to process BPay invoices, usually from a Power or Water provider, where only one invoice is sent for more than one Strata Plan or Owners Corporation. From here...
  3. Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Rest

    Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Rest Overview On some terminal server environments and computers accessed via remote desktop, copies of Redirected Printers may accumulate in the registry which can cause an error 5707 when tryi...
  4. Unfinalise a Strata Meeting

    Unfinalise a Strata Meeting This article will assist you to unfinalise a meeting so that corrections, edits and adjustments can be made. Be aware that it will be necessary to Finalise the meeting once the edits have been made. As with any adjustm...
  5. How to Reverse a Bond Disbursement in REST Professional

    How to Reverse a Bond Disbursement in REST Professional Overview You may be required to reverse a bond disbursement cheque.  The bond cheque may have been sent back to you by the bond board or the cheque may be missing and requires cancelling...
  6. Issue Printing to File Smart - Unable to Open File

    Issue Printing to File Smart - Unable to Open File Overview When printing to File Smart Archive, you may have an error where the tif file is unable to be opened. The following instructions will assist to overcome this issue.  Solution Open...
  7. Error when Trying to save a PrintMail Generated PDF from within Adobe Reader

    Error when trying to save a Print Mail generated PDF from within Adobe Reader Problem:  Error when trying to save a Print Mail generated PDF from within Adobe Reader 11.0.10 or later. Adobe Reader error: 'The document could not be saved. ...
  8. How to Install Strata Master onto a New computer

    How to install the STRATA Master database on a new computer or workstation
  9. Backing up to cloud via the Pre Migration Wizard

    Completing your Cloud Back Up via the Pre Migration Wizard Completing your Cloud Back Up prior to your Trial Migration If you are uploading the data for a trial migration you will need to ensure that you have completed all account mapping,...
  10. Rest Professional Version 19 Release Notes

    Rest Professional Version 19 General Release Notes To get the most out of Rest Professional, and ensure your business continues to operate at optimal efficiency, we recommend that you upgrade to Version 19 today. Find out what we've updated...