Updated Articles

  1. Auto-Archiving documents from Strata Master

    Auto-Archiving Documents From Strata Master Report Options Where ever you see the check box named Save report or Save notices to file  on screen in Strata Master this means that you are able to automatically archive a copy of the document ...
  2. RockendSMS - Add a New User to my RockendSMS Account

      Add a new user to your RockendSMS Account                                   Need to register yourself or a new staff member to your RockendSMS Account? &...
  3. Blank pages appearing in documents that are scanned to File Smart Archive

    Blank pages appearing in documents that are scanned to File Smart Archive We’ve had reports of several customers scanning documents into File Smart and finding they are blank. This includes Printmail collations as well as general printing of...
  4. How to Add an Additional Comment to All Work Order Requests

    How to Add an Additional Comment to All Work Order Requests To create a comment so that it appears on the bottom of all Work Order requests, please follow the below steps; Open up the program ‘Wordpad’ from your computer’s sta...
  5. How to Generate Income and Expenditure Reports - New Zealand

    NZ - How to Generate Income & Expenditure Reports in REST Professional Overview The Income & Expenditure reports list the accumulated income and expenses for owners for any financial year. The Income and Expenditure Summaries can be run a...
  6. Owner and Tenant Portals with REST Communicator

    Owner and Tenant Portals with Rest Communicator Overview Rest Communicator delivers the ability to offer branded and  customisable  Owner & Tenant Portals via the internet to your client base. Owner and Tenant Portals with Rest Comm...
  7. Editing a description on a Creditor Invoice

    Editing a Description on a Creditor Invoice This article will assist you to change the description on a creditor invoice after it has been entered into Strata Master. Please note that we suggest caution in changing descriptions after Financials ha...
  8.  Strata Master Top Tip #108 - Auto notifications for unsuccessful quotes

    Many of us are guilty of ignoring unsuccessful quotes from tradies, leaving them wondering if they got the job. It’s not a good experience for them, and will likely just result in another call for you when they decide to check in. Save y...
  9.  Strata Master Top Tip #107 - Easy Bulk Communications

    Lot owners, tenants, committee members, tradies... The list goes on. With so many contacts in your database, it’s important to know how to efficiently communicate with all of them. Strata Master’s communication wizard has everythin...
  10.  Strata Master Top Tip #106 - Track High Value Owners

    The linked lots tab makes it simple to view and navigate to other lots owned by a single owner. It’s also easy to add an existing owner to a new lot, as well as to consolidate multiple records for the same owner. SHOW LESS ...