Updated Articles

  1. Meeting Master Not Syncing to Strata Master

    Meeting Master Not Syncing to Strata Master This article will assist when syncing of Meetings to Meeting Master, from Strata Master, is not working. It will also assist when the syncing is not working from Meeting Master to Strata master. How th...
  2. File Smart Print Mail End of Financial Year Process

    File Smart Print Mail EOM & EOFY Statement Process Overview These instructions are intended for clients who wish to use File Smart Print Mail to print and/or email End of Financial Year Statements/Income & Expenditure Reports (EOFY ...
  3. Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master

    Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master Summary Learn how to change the Agent recorded on a Lot, from one Agent to another Agent. Note : It is important to not 'swap' the Agents. Doing so may prevent purging of the Agent c...
  4. Reversing a Transfer Money Between Funds Transaction in Strata Master

    Reversing a Transfer Money Between Funds Transaction in Strata Master Summary Funds can be transferred from Admin to Capital Works, or from Capital Works to Admin in the Transfer Money Between Funds screen. If you make the transfer accidentally,...
  5. Edit a Budget in Strata Master

    Edit a Budget in Strata Master Summary You may be required to edit an existing budget.  Learn how to add or remove accounts and change budget figures. This article will also provide information on editing dates. Topics covered in this...
  6. Transfer Funds From Admin To Capital Works / Sinking / Reserve Funds - Strata

    Transfer Money From Admin To Capital Works / Sinking / Reserve Funds - Strata And Vice Versa Summary There are 2 funds in Strata Master - Admin Funds Funds called Capital Works Funds, Sinking Funds, Reserve Funds or even Maintenance Funds de...
  7. Entering Accrued Interest in Opening Balances in Strata Master

    Entering Accrued Interest in Opening Balances in Strata Master Summary Prior management reports may contain Accrued Interest Balances on Lots. Where these figures are not yet charged to the Lots, and therefore showing on Balance Sheet or I&E...
  8. Entering Creditor Invoices In Opening Balances in Strata Master

    Entering Creditor Invoices In Opening Balances in Strata Master Summary Prior management reports may contain Balance Sheet Liability for Creditor Invoices that are still outstanding and require payment. Learn how to enter these invoice...
  9. About Strata Master Custom Headers (Logos)

    How to create your own custom header for STRATA Master reports and levies
  10. Inspection Manager Integration

    Enhanced Inspection Manager Integration REST Professional version 11 introduces the ability to save your Inspection Manager Reports directly to REST Document Management or fileSMART. Inspection Manager is a comprehensive inspection management syste...