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  1. About Strata Master Custom Headers (Logos)

    How to create your own custom header for STRATA Master reports and levies
  2. fileSMART Printers Installation Guide

    fileSMART Printers Installation Guide Follow these steps to install the fileSMART printers: Open your Windows menu and search for and run the fileSMART Printer Installer (this will already be installed on your PC) Sel...
  3. How the REST Professional Calculator Works

    How the REST Professional Calculator Works Overview REST Professional has a built in calculator that will assist you in converting the tenants rent amount into a Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly amount. It will assist you to calculate the...
  4. How to prevent emails from fileSMART PrintMail being blocked as spam

    How to prevent emails from fileSMART PrintMail being blocked as spam Overview Owners, tenants, or creditors may contact you to advise they are not receiving emails you’ve sent them from fileSMART PrintMail, for example Owner Statemen...
  5. Bulk Bpay Payments for Macquarie Bank – REST Professional

    Bulk Bpay Payments for Macquarie Bank – REST Professional Overview You may now pay your creditors by Bpay instead of cheque or EFT. This is particularly useful for paying bills such as water, council rates, electricity, phone, s...
  6. Strata Master End of Year Procedures (WA)

    How to produce all the required information for your end of year reporting - based on Western Australian requirements.
  7. Automatic User Logout in REST Professional

    Automatic User Logout in REST Professional  REST Professional Version 15.5 and above offers an enhancement to the existing locking functionality in REST Professional. Users with sufficient permissions will have the ability to set a lock in the...
  8. Why is the text jumbled when I print a PDF to the fileSMART Archive Printer?

    Why is the text jumbled when I print a PDF to the fileSMART Archive Printer? Overview When a PDF document is printed to the f ileSMART Archive printer, sometimes the resulting TIF document is unreadable. This is a known issue with PDFs and is the...
  9.  Income & Expenditure (End of Financial Year/EOFY) Fees - Charging and Cancelling Fees

    Income & Expenditure (End of Financial Year/EOFY) Fees - Charging and Cancelling Fees Learn how to charge and cancel income and expenditure fees in this short video. ...
  10. Cheque Presented at Bank Differs to Amount in REST Professional

    Cheque Presented at Bank Differs to Amount in REST Professional Overview If hand writing cheques, you may encounter an issue with the cheque amount that presents at the bank differing to the amount in REST Professional. This document ...