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  1. Entering Lot Details Into the "Levies" Tab In Opening Balance Entry Screen In Strata Master

    Entering Lot Details Into the "Levies" Tab In Opening Balance Entry Screen In Strata Master This article is a reminder to assist you when entering Lot Details into Opening Balances, assuming you have attended a Training Session or have some experie...
  2. Notifying Debt Collector of Payments in Strata Master

    Notifying Debt Collector of Payments in Strata Master After a Lot Owner has been referred to a Debt Collection Agency for follow up of the Lot Owners arrears, the Debt collection Agency is to be notified of any payments made to the Lot Owner card. ...
  3. Post An Equal Amount Levy in Strata Master

    Post An Equal Amount Levy  in Strata Master This article will assist you to post a Levy that is to be divided equally between Lots.  It could be all Lots of the Owners Corporation or only a few Lots. There are 2 parts to this instruction - 1. Cre...
  4. Update a BPAY CRN (Reference) number in Strata Master

    Update a BPAY CRN (Reference) Number in Strata Master This article will assist you when -  payments are rejecting at Bank due to the incorrect CRN Reference number you are processing creditor invoices and note that there are a number of CRN's ap...
  5.  Strata Master Top Tip #86 - Optimise BPAY Process

  6. Message that All Licences are in Use in Strata Master

    Message that All Licences are in Use in Strata Master If you attempt to log into Strata master and a message appears telling you that all Licences are in use, therefore you cannot log in, there are 2 causes - All users logged in are in fact using...
  7.  Strata Master Top Tip #107 - Easy Bulk Communications

    Lot owners, tenants, committee members, tradies... The list goes on. With so many contacts in your database, it’s important to know how to efficiently communicate with all of them. Strata Master’s communication wizard has everything you need t...
  8. Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata

    Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata Master When Lot Owners have more than one Lot, they may be linked to One Owner Card. This allows contact details to be updated on more than one Lot in one process. Although at times a Lot Owner may wish to have...
  9.  Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees

    Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees Once you’re done with your payment processes, you can now easily send out a summary of your management fee remittances directly to your nominated email address in just a few clicks. ...
  10. Microsoft Outlook Pop Up Message When Emailing from Strata Master

    Microsoft Outlook Pop Up Message When Emailing from Strata Master Are you receiving an annoying repetitive pop up message that looks like the screenshot below ?  It is a Microsoft Outlook popup that asks you to allow a program to access your inform...