Last Updated: 16/09/2020
in File Smart Installation Guides
fileSMART Workstation Installation Instructions Overview This document will guide you through the process of installing fileSMART to your workstation. Information about the changes and improvements in this version can be found in the Enhancemen...
How to Receipt and Allocate Tenant Invoice Credit Overview The Tenant Invoice Credit feature introduced a tenant ledger to manage advance tenant payments. This ledger controls the funds kept in credit that are needed to be held for allocation lat...
Setting Regional and Language date settings for calendar interpretation to work with Rest Professional Overview When opening Rest Professional, if your regional and language date settings for calendar interpretation are not set in Windows to what ...
How to do an Email Merge in Rest Professional Overview In Rest Professional, you can merge to an email from a template saved in the Rest Word folder in the same way you would a normal merge letter, or you can create a new document to email throu...
Rest Communicator - How to Restart the Services Problem You may be having trouble with Rest Communicator or one of the associated web based services i.e. Rest mobile, owner portals, KPI reporting etc. The most common cause of Rest Communicator no...
Accessing Desktop Applications from your Office PC when Working Remotely Overview We currently have a number of customers needing to temporarily work remotely. Whilst many of our customers already have this ability, some unfortunately d...
How to Reimburse a Tenant for Repairs or an Expense Overview T his proced ure can be used if you have a tenant who has carried out repairs or has incurred an expense relating to the property and the owner is required to reimburse the tenant. ...
Creditor Payments Process in Rest Professional Overview In Rest Professional there is a three part process to paying out a creditor. This is assuming you have your system options (Other > Utilities > System Options > Other) selected for posting...
How to Reverse Cheques in Rest Professional Overview When a payment is made in Rest Professional with a payment method of cheque, there may be circumstances where the cheque is not presented at the bank, is lost or the payee requests that the c...
Strata Master System Requirements Full System Requirements Documentation The following are minimum and recommended system requirements for Strata Master. Whilst the program will operate on the minimums listed, we s...