New Articles

  1. Change Sender Email Address for Levies

    Change Sender Email Address for Levies When Levies are sent by email, you may wish to change the email address to one that is more general, or that will handle replies, such as Strata Master is designed to use Microsoft Outlook a...
  2. Taking On a Previously Managed Plan

    Taking On a Previously Managed Plan Sometimes you lose a Plan to another Strata Manager, only to be asked to manage it again months or years later. This article sets out your options. If you are taking on a Plan that you have NOT previously manage...
  3. Issue Owner Portal Log in through Web Access Wizard

    Issue Owner Portal Log In through Web Access Wizard This article will assist you to issue web access number and temporary password to a Lot Owner, Committee Member, Building Manager. We will use the one term 'Lot Owner'. This article will ...
  4. Checklist for Owner Portal Set Up

    Checklist for Owner Portal Set Up This article will provide a checklist to guide the process of set up. For more detailed steps, open this link Owner and Committee Portals with Strata Communicator | MRI Knowledgebase ( 1. Install...
  5. Print a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice or Submeter Invoice

    Print a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice or Submeter Invoice The article will assist you to print or reprint an Owner Invoice. There are 2 methods, through either the Levy Icon or through Levy Journal. Please read through the instructions before c...
  6. Accessing a Previous Lot Owner Card

    Accessing a Previous Lot Owner Card This article will assist you to locate and view a Lot Owner Card for a non-current owner. Non-current Lot Owners are usually those who have sold their property, and the card is no longer visible on the Lots list ...
  7. Brief Steps to Add a New Plan or Owners Corporation

    Basic Steps to Setting Up a New Plan or Owners Corporation This article will assist with the overview of details that need to be entered and the order in which to enter them. The order of entry is important to the efficient and fault free functioni...
  8. Add a New User or Staff Member - Create Log in Details

    How to Add a New User in Strata Master Overview  This document will take you through the process to create a new user, create a log-in, how to delete users and how to view inactive users for Strata Master. How to Add a New User  The St...
  9. SQL Express in place Upgrade for Strata Master

    General guide for performing an in place upgrade of SQL Express 2008 to 2014 This document MUST be forwarded to your IT Technician for them to perform the upgrade process. Please refer to the Microsoft KB article below if you wish to upgrade to ...
  10. Meeting Master Not Syncing to Strata Master

    Meeting Master Not Syncing to Strata Master This article will assist when syncing of Meetings to Meeting Master, from Strata Master, is not working. It will also assist when the syncing is not working from Meeting Master to Strata master. How th...