New Articles

  1. Delete an Association Type in Strata Master

    Delete an Association Type in Strata Master Summary This article will assist when an Association Type (Scheme, Community Title or other ) has been created in error and needs to be deleted.   Delete an Unused Association Type On the Configu...
  2. Edit Strata Plan Association Type Details in Strata Master

    Edit Strata Plan Association Type Details in Strata Master Summary This article will assist when details of an Association Type (Scheme, Community Title or other ) needs to be updated.   Edit the Details of an Association Type On the Confi...
  3. Overview of Strata Plan Association Types in Strata Master

    Overview of Strata Plan Association Types in Strata Master Summary The word ' Plan'  will be used to cover Strata Plans, Owners Corporations, Community Associations, Neighbourhood Associations, BMC's, Precinct Associations, Commun...
  4. Accessing the List of Status Reports Issued in Strata Master

    Accessing the List of Status Reports Issued in Strata Master Summary Status Reports in Strata Master are also known as Status Certificates or Section Certificates. When issued there is usually a charge made against the requestor for the service. ...
  5. Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master

    Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master Summary Learn the steps needed to send a Manual Debt Collection when only an invoice is overdue and understand how to Record a Manual Debt Recovery, where the Lot Owne...
  6. Strata Master Version 15.5.2 Release Notes

    Strata Master Version 15.5.2 Release Notes In this release Strata Hub Updates Strata Master has been updated to enhance the Strata Hub API reporting capability. Strata Master can send data to Strata Hub any time throughout the year, as often as r...
  7. Find Which Plans Are Ticked to Charge Unpaid Interest on Paid Levies in Strata Master

    Find Which Plans Are Ticked to Charge Unpaid Interest On Paid Levies in Strata Master Summary Learn how to find plans selected to charge unpaid interest on paid levies. These plans charge the lot owner for unpaid interest despite the levy being...
  8. Charge Accrued Unpaid Interest in Strata Master

    Charge Accrued Unpaid Interest in Strata Master Summary This article will step you through the settings required for unpaid interest to be charged to a Lot Owner when a levy is fully paid.  When these settings are not in place, accrued intere...
  9. Understand Negative Interest on an Owner Ledger in Strata Master

    Understand Negative Interest on a Lot Owner Ledger in Strata Master Summary Negative interest on Owner Cards is caused by - grace days or interest free periods being changed to a greater period interest rates on overdue levies being decreased w...
  10. Schedule Invoice To Be Paid On A Particular Date In Strata Master

    Schedule Invoice To Be Paid On A Particular Date In Strata Master Summary This article will assist you to nominate a particular future due date for an invoice. This date can be entered at any time prior to the payment being processed. The payment ...