New Articles

  1. Locating Details of an Unpresented Deposit in Strata Master

    Locating Details of an Unpresented Deposit in Strata Master Summary Learn steps to identify details of an unpresented receipt in the Manual Bank Reconciliation Screen, showing as an outstanding deposit. Overview An unpresented deposit may sho...
  2. Correcting an Expense Account Used in a Creditor Payment in Strata Master.

    Correcting an Expense Account Used in a Creditor Payment in Strata Master Summary This article will provide you with an overview of the methods that are used to correct the expense account entered when the invoice was recorded. There will be l...
  3. Understanding Calculations of the Mandatory Audit Report in Strata Master

    Understanding Calculations of the Mandatory Audit Report in Strata Master Summary Learn about the Mandatory Audit Report is included in presentation of Annual General Meeting Reports for NSW and ACT. Covered in this article: Overview ...
  4. Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master

    Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master Summary Learn about all aspects of the 'Banked' tick box located on the receipt screen.. This article will cover these aspects of the 'Banked' tick box : What the Banke...
  5. Strata Master Version 15.5.3 Release Notes

    Strata Master Version 15.5.3 Release Notes In this release Macquarie Levy Notice Changes required The Macquarie Levy Notice has been adjusted to remove telephone payment details. A checkbox has also been added to the Configure > Agency > St...
  6. Cancelling a DEFT Direct Debit Authorisation Made by a Lot Owner for Strata Master

    Cancelling a DEFT Direct Debit Authorisation Made by a Lot Owner for Strata Master Summary This article will provide you with guidance to handling a request by a Lot Owner to cancel their Direct Debit Authorisation, so fees are no longer deducted ...
  7. Resolving Levy Notice Error After DEFT Direct Debit Setup in Strata Master

    Resolving Levy Notice Error After DEFT Direct Debit Setup in Strata Master Summary If you have recently set up Direct Debit in Strata Master and you receive an error message referring to Direct Debits in issuing your Levy Notices, then this articl...
  8. Understanding a Receipt not Showing Levy Allocation on Owner Ledger in Strata Master

    Understanding a Receipt not Showing Levy Allocation on Owner Ledger in Strata Master Summary When accessing a Lot Owner ledger through the Corp > Lots >Levies tab screen, you may notice some receipts do not show a levy allocation in the reco...
  9. Edit a Creditor Invoice in Strata Master

    Edit a Creditor Invoice in Strata Master Summary This article will step through navigation to the Creditor Invoicing screen, for those new to Strata Master, and then lists edits that can be made. Overview Creditor invoicing screen shows invoices...
  10. Unable to Edit a Transaction in Search/Edit Transactions in Strata Master

    Unable to Edit a Transaction in Search/Edit Transactions in Strata Master Summary Some transactions can be edited in the Search/Edit Transactions screen. When clicking on the transaction, a pop up box will show editable fields. This article will a...