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  1. How to Enforce Unique Tenant Codes in REST Professional

    How to Enforce Unique Tenant Codes in REST Professional Overview You can setup your system to enforce unique tenant code numbers in REST Professional.  This option will require tenant code numbers to be unique between active and inactive t...
  2. How to Change Creditor Status to Inactive in REST Professional

    How to Change Creditor Status to Inactive in REST Professional Overview You can now set a Creditor to Inactive either as a one off or by doing a bulk status update through Global Changes.  The Creditor Bulk Status Update allows you to sele...
  3. Update fileSMART from the Trust Program

    Update fileSMART from the Trust Program As part of the fileSMART installation, a system process is configured in the Windows Task Scheduler on the fileSMART Server which runs a file called EveryDayJob.bat. This enables fileSMART and REST Profes...
  4.  STRATA Master Top Tip #25 - fileSMART Multiple Invoice Dissections

    Multiple Invoice Dissections using fileSMART Creditor Invoicing It's possible to have a single invoice broken down into multiple expense accounts, even when you're using fileSMART Creditor Invoicing (FSCI). Find out how in Top Tip #25. For ...
  5.  STRATA Master Top Tip #34 - Hide Email Addresses on the Strata Roll

    Hide Email Addresses on the Strata Roll For those Strata Plans that take their privacy seriously, you can give them piece of mind by choosing to hide their email addresses when the Strata Roll is produced.  For more information on updates t...
  6. How to Set up Document Management in Rest Professional

    How to Set up Document Management in Rest Professional Overview Document Management in Rest Professional allows you to keep electronic copies when you send letters, bulk emails or bulk SMS messages to owners, tenant, creditors, vendors, buyers and...
  7. EOFY Checks for Console and PrintMail

    Console and fileSMART PrintMail EOFY checks The following will ensure that Financial Statements printed from the Console Send Assist module to the PrintMail Send Assist printer will be auto archived correctly. 1. The person who does ...
  8. How to change a user's password for fileSMART

    How to Change a User's Password for  fileSMART Log in as a user with administrator rights.  Go to the Manage Users Section  Click into the Password box beside the user's name Type in your new password ...
  9. Strata Master Error Messages

    Strata Master Error Messages If you receive an error message, the cause and the resolution can be so broad that logging a case to report an error message, with the problem description being "error message" or even "error message in meeting wizar...
  10.  STRATA Master Top Tip #18 - Repairs & Maintenance Preferences

    How to set up plan specific preferences for repairs and maintenance cost limits and default access contacts.