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  1. How to Generate the Consolidated Management Report Graph

    How to Generate the Consolidated Management Report Graph Overview The Consolidated Management Report allows you to produce the Management, Management Revenue the Gained and Lost Management Reports with a single click. If you export the man...
  2.  Understand Tenant Credit Amounts On Demand E-Learning

    Understand Tenant Credit Amounts in REST Professional | On Demand E-Learning Learn all about Tenant Credit Amounts in REST Professional with this on demand module.  This webinar covers, what is a tenant credit, why tenant credits occu...
  3.  STRATA Master Top Tip #8-9 - Managing Legislative Compliance

    These tips show how you can manage new legislation requirements across your portfolio, using a combination of the compliance register, the register wizard, and the reminders function.
  4.  STRATA Master Top Tip #22 - Quick Reports

    How to get the most out of Quick Reports
  5.  Managing Bond Disbursement and Refund Webinar

    Managing Bond Disbursement and Refund Webinar Learn how to streamline your bond process in Rest Professional. We'll show you how to update the tenant ledgers to show all bond transactions, and ensure you’re keeping clear records for yo...
  6. Archiving a Document for an Inactive Property

    Archiving a Document for an Inactive Property To archive a document to an inactive property, select the 'Inactive' option from the dropdown box at the bottom of the Archive Labels View. Enter the archive label informat...
  7. How to Setup and Use the Sales Advertising Grid in REST Professional

    How to Setup and Use the Sales Advertising Grid in REST Professional Overview You may enter the advertising and marketing expenses that are planned for a sale. The expenses may be ticked as actioned when the item has been done. When...
  8. How to Process a Holiday Booking Sundry Disbursement in REST Professional

    How to Process a Holiday Booking Sundry Disbursement in REST Professional Overview When a holiday booking has vacated the property, you may be required to refund a bond or disburse the sundries paid by the booking. Below are instructions o...
  9. How to Generate a Vendor Invoice in REST Professional

    How to Generate a Vendor Invoice in REST Professional   Overview The vendor invoice shows all sales receipts and disbursements posted with the type of advertising and any disbursements posted form the sales advert...
  10. Setting up On The Move integration

    Setting up On The Move Integration How to set up In order to utilise On the Move add-on within Rest Professional it needs to be configured based on the account details issued by On The Move. Go to Other > Utilities> Company Details Go to ...