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  1.  STRATA Master Top Tip #26 - Online Voting Setup

    Online Voting Setup Save time on your General Meetings by giving your customers the opportunity to vote online, before the meeting even takes place! To find out how to set up STRATA Master and your Owner/Committee Portals to use this great feature,...
  2. How to do End of Month with fileSMART PrintMail

    How to do End of Month with fileSMART PrintMail Sending your statements to fileSMART From REST Professional Creditor Remittances can be printed to the fileSMART PrintMail printer and be automatically archived to the individual credi...
  3. How to Generate the Business Summary Report in REST Professional

    How to Generate the Business Summary Report in REST Professional Overview This report produces an MS Excel Spreadsheet which includes all the information required to value your rent roll. The Business Summary Spreadsheet offers the...
  4. PriceFinder Widget

    PriceFinder Widget What is PriceFinder PriceFinder is an online property search application offering a range of tools to assist in generating timely information for all residential, commercial and rural properties.   Rocke...
  5. How to use the Property Vacancy Grid in REST Professional

    How to use the Property Vacancy Grid in Rest Professional Overview The Property Vacancy List displays your vacant and vacating properties in an easy to use list.  It also displays information on properties with applications taken, leased prop...
  6.  Creating an Owner Master File

    Creating an Owner Master File Learn how to create an owner master file in REST Professional in this short 3 minute video. ...
  7. Income Tax Calculation Worksheet Setup & Use

    Income Tax Calculation Worksheet Setup & Use This report has been designed to produce a worksheet to assist you, or your tax agent to complete an Income Tax Return for your owners corporations. In many cases the tax year for an owners cor...
  8. Online Invoice Approvals Guide

    Online Invoice Approval Strata Master Version 12.5 and File Smart Version 8 give you the ability to streamline the external invoice approval process in your office.  Restore order and increase your team’s productivity by removing the...
  9. Interim Reports – Not All Plans Are Printing

    Interim Reports – Not All Plans Are Printing   Menu: Reports > Interim Reports If the system is not picking up certain strata plans there are a few items you can check which may be preventing the reports being included in a bulk ru...
  10. How to Generate Income and Expenditure Reports for Inactive Owners

    How to Generate Income and Expenditure Reports for Inactive / Archived Owners Overview During the financial year you may have had changed several owners to an inactive status in Rest however they still require an Income & Expenditure Statemen...