Get ready for your migration to Property Tree using these articles and handy hits.
Configuring your Rest Professional System Options in Preparation for Property Tree
Configuring your Rest Professional System Options and Settings in Preparation for Property Tree In preparation for your move to Property Tree there are certain system options that will need to be adjusted in order to ensure a smooth migration of da...
Preparing for your financial migration
Preparing for your financial migration The migration to Property Tree involves the migration of owner, tenant and agency balances. It is important that all Trust Funds, including Unclaimed funds held in internal account ledgers are reconciled prior...
Purging Maintenance Requests Prior to Migrating to Property Tree
Purging Maintenance Requests Prior to Migrating to Property Tree Any maintenance requests that are not completed or rejected will migrate from your Rest Professional data base into your new Property Tree account. This includes all work orders that ...
Rest Professional to Property Tree - What Migrates & What Doesnt
Rest Professional to Property Tree - What Migrates & What Doesn't The following information outlines: what fields in Rest will migrate what fields are dependent on existing system options in REST for it to migrate what fields in Rest do N...
Preparing your Data for Migration
Preparing your Data for Migration Rockend has had over 35 years’ experience with data migrations. We strive to make this process as seamless as possible. As with all data migrations, a successful outcome in Property Tree will depend upon the curr...