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  1. How to Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail

    How Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail The contacts list is automatically populated from the contact information available from your trust account.  Enter a new contact in your trust account and they will appear in the contacts...
  2. Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry

    Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry REST Professional version 10.5 introduced the ability to withhold funds from Owners in bulk. The Owner Withhold Funds screen allows you to edit existing owners’ withhold amounts and add new owners, saving ...
  3. How to Close a Building – Individual Bank Account Configuration in STRATA Master

    How to Close a Building – Individual Bank Account Configuration in STRATA Master Checklist 1. Management Fees Ensure any final management fees/disbursements owing to the agency have been paid.  If the plan is being closed/management ...
  4. How to Clear a User Licence

    How to Clear a User Licence  The Manage Users function in fileSMART Archive allows you to add, disable and edit the users who are able to log into fileSMART. This can only be performed by a user with administrator rights. To avoid accidental c...
  5. How do I install fileSMART PrintMail

    fileSMART PrintMail Installation Guide Follow these steps to install PrintMail on a workstation that already has fileSMART Archive installed: 1. Open your Windows menu and search for and run the fileSMART Client Installer (this will a...
  6. How to Receipt a Sales Deposit in REST Professional

    How to Receipt a Sales Deposit in REST Professional You can enter a Sales Deposit in REST Professional by using either a manual receipt number or a REST Professional computer generated receipt number. If you use manual receipt numbers,...
  7. fileSMART Share User Guide

    fileSMART Share User Guide fileSMART Share enables the fileSMART user to search for documents within Rockend’s fileSMART  program and to export those documents to a portable media (CD/DVD/USB).  The documents are containe...
  8. Owner or Tenant Label Printing in Rest Professional

    How to Print Owner or Tenant Labels in Rest Professional Overview You can print owner or tenant labels in Rest Professional onto your label stationery. You can do this for all, a range or just one owner / tenant if you need to. This document will...
  9. Financial Reporting Transactions by Group

    Financial Reporting Transactions by Group  Assigning transactions against a Financial Group Posting Levies Selecting a financial reporting group when posting a levy will allow you to produce more detailed reports in regard to the levies rai...
  10. How to Setup and Use Insurance Policies in REST Professional

    How to Setup and Use Insurance Policies in REST Professional Overview You have the ability to add Insurance Policies into REST. If an Insurance Policy is added, it attaches to the allocated property and can be accessed through the insurance tab o...