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  1. Ray White G5 Mail (Gmail) without Outlook and Rest

    Ray White G5 Mail (Gmail) without Outlook and Rest Below are the instructions for setting up Outlook via IMAP to work with the G5 (Google Apps) platform that is used by Ray White. Setup Instructions In Outlook, create a new I...
  2. How to Reverse a Sales Disbursement in REST Professional

    How to Reverse a Sales Disbursement in REST Professional You may need to cancel a sales disbursement created in REST for various reasons. This document will assist you to:- Reverse a Sales Disbursement by EFT (Current Period) ...
  3.  Rest Professional & File Smart End of Financial Year Processing for Australia

    Rest Professional & File Smart End of Financial Year Processing for Australia Learn how to process end of financial year in Rest Professional and File Smart with this 25 minute video. ...
  4. Setting up Scanning to fileSMART

    Setting up Scanning to fileSMART Users must be correctly configured to a scanner to allow the importation of documents for subsequent processing by fileSMART. However, the process of scanning documents between a scanner and workstation or serve...
  5. Enhanced Property Maintenance Management

    Enhanced Property Maintenance Management Enhanced Property Maintenance Management boasts a redesigned Maintenance screen that allows you to easily search for jobs in the new Job List, attach images and documents, and simplified disbursement and com...
  6.  Cancelling a Creditor Disbursement

    Cancelling a Creditor Disbursement Learn about the differences between an outstanding disbursement and a creditor disbursement, and how to cancel a creditor disbursement in this 2 minute video. ...
  7.  Applying a Tenant Holding Deposit to Rent

    Applying a Tenant Holding Deposit to Rent Learn how to apply a tenant holding deposit to a rent receipt, and view this transaction on a tenant ledger in this 2 minute video. ...
  8. Setting Regional and Language Options to be Compatible with REST Professional

    Setting Regional and Language Options to be Compatible with REST Professional When loading REST professional onto a new computer, an error message can occur which relates to the regional and language options on that particular workstation. &n...
  9. How to Use the Inspection Update Wizard in REST Professional

    How to Use the Inspection Update Wizard in REST Professional Overview The Inspection Update Wizard calculates and updates the next inspection date of a property, based on the last inspection date and inspection frequency entered in the pro...
  10. Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Rest

    Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Rest Overview On some terminal server environments and computers accessed via remote desktop, copies of Redirected Printers may accumulate in the registry which can cause an error 5707 when tryi...