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  1. Bulk Email - Export Email Addresses to an Excel Spread Sheet

    Bulk Email - Export Email Addresses to an Excel Spread Sheet Overview There may be circumstances where you would like to bulk email your Owners or Tenants a PDF or other type of attachment. These instructions are useful to enable you to se...
  2. How to Uninstall and Reinstall the REST Professional Program

    How to Uninstall and Reinstall the REST Professional Program Overview The REST program may need to be uninstalled and reinstalled on a computer due to run time errors or other issues. If performing these steps on a fileSMART server, plea...
  3. Rest Professional Pre Mid-Month & End of Month Checklist

    Rest Professional Pre Mid-Month & End of Month Checklist Overview In the lead up to mid and end of month, there are a number of office procedures that can be completed prior to the mid month or end of month process. These procedures ensure tha...
  4. How to Receipt and Refund Vacated Tenants Rent REST Professional

    How to Receipt and Refund Vacated Tenants Rent REST Professional Overview You may have a tenant that is vacating or has vacated and rent has been paid up in full to the vacate date. The tenant may have inadvertently paid a f...
  5. Reversing Overcharged Management Fees in Rest Professional

    Reversing Overcharged Management Fees in Rest Professional Problem An owner has been overcharged management fees and needs to reimburse this to the owner. Solution Determine the incorrect management fee charged against an owner. The most commo...
  6. Additional Owner Contacts Setup and Use in Rest Professional

    Additional Owner Contacts Setup and Use in Rest Professional Overview Rest Professional v14.5 introduces enhancements to the existing Additional Address Details feature to allow multiple additional owner contacts to be saved against each ownership...
  7.  How to Allocate Tenant Invoice Credit

    How to Allocate Tenant Invoice Credit Learn how to apply funds receipted in tenant invoice credit to rent, outstanding invoices or refund to a tenant in this 3 minute video. Note: These instructions do not include enhancements made to this f...
  8. How to Add a New Owner Card in REST Professional

    How to Add a New Owner Card in REST Professional Overview This document will take you through the steps to create a new Owner Masterfile. From the owner card you can enquire on owners details and balances including owner payout balances, access t...
  9. Blank pages appearing in documents that are scanned to File Smart Archive

    Blank pages appearing in documents that are scanned to File Smart Archive We’ve had reports of several customers scanning documents into File Smart and finding they are blank. This includes Printmail collations as well as general printing of...
  10. Online Voting References

    Online Voting References While Rockend encourages every customer to make their own investigations into the requirements of their legislation with regards to online voting, we have also compiled a list of references and recommendations from experts ...