New Articles

  1. Online Voting References - Queensland

    Online Voting References - Queensland The transition from a written to electronic system of voting represents innovation for bodies corporate and has great efficiency potential.  The BCCMA and supporting Regulation Modules envisage electronic...
  2. Online Voting References - New South Wales

    Online Voting References - New South Wales The Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (SSMA 2015) and the Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2016 (SSMR 2016) provide methods for participation in meetings, including: Attending meetings from a r...
  3. STRATA Master Top Tip #22 - Quick Reports

    How to get the most out of Quick Reports
  4. STRATA Master Top Tip #21 - Privacy & Portals

    Portals & Privacy Acts This tip deals with changes to Australian Privacy Laws, and one way you can avoid a potential breach when sending out web access notifications to your customers. Download the updated templates here ...
  5. STRATA Master Top Tip #20 - Change Manager Wizard

    How to use the Change Manager Wizard to assign properties in bulk to a new manager
  6. STRATA Master Top Tip #19 - Debt Recovery Exclusions

    How to set an individual or an entire property as excluded from the debt recovery system
  7. STRATA Master Top Tip #18 - Repairs & Maintenance Preferences

    How to set up plan specific preferences for repairs and maintenance cost limits and default access contacts.
  8. STRATA Master Top Tip #17 - Managing Tradespeople

    How to set up tradespeople preferences for the plans in your portfolio
  9. fileSMART on a Microsoft Surface Pro

    Recommended display settings on a Microsoft Surface Pro for fileSMART
  10. Online Voting References

    Online Voting References While Rockend encourages every customer to make their own investigations into the requirements of their legislation with regards to online voting, we have also compiled a list of references and recommendations from experts ...