New Articles

  1. How to Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail

    How Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail The contacts list is automatically populated from the contact information available from your trust account.  Enter a new contact in your trust account and they will appear in the contacts...
  2. How to Disable a User in fileSMART Archive

    How to Disable a User in fileSMART Archive If you have a staff member leave your team, you will want to disable their access to fileSMART. We recommend that if you have a new team member replacing an old staff member, that you disable to old fi...
  3. How to Show or Hide Notifications from fileSMART Archive Workflow

    How to Show or Hide Notifications from fileSMART Archive Workflow in Windows 10 There are two ways to do this in Windows 10: From your Windows menu search for Settings and go to System > Notifications and Actions.  From ...
  4. Workflow Processing and Maintenance Manager

    Workflow Processing and Maintenance Manager Maintenance Manager can add the QR Code to your supplier invoices to enable you to use them with fileSMART Barcode Invoice Processing Workflow.  This guide summarises the steps to setup and ...
  5. STRATA Master Version 10.5 Release Notes

    STRATA Master Version 10.5 Upgrade Training STRATA Master Version 10.5 includes an upgrade of the bulk communication wizard, an update of the FSCI multiple dissections from version 10.5 to make the workflow more efficient, plus the ability to v...
  6. Online Voting References - Victoria

    Online Voting References - Victoria An owners corporation can circulate resolutions and ballots electronically, which can significantly reduce the time and cost involved in the decision-making process.   1. Conducting a Ballot Electronically ...
  7. REST Professional Version 16.5.04 Release Notes

    REST Professional Version 16.5.04 General Release Notes To get the most out of REST Professional, and ensure your business continues to operate at optimal efficiency, we recommend that you upgrade to v16.5.04 today. Find out what we've updated...
  8. fileSMART Version 7.10.1 Release Notes

    File Smart Version 7.10.1 Release Notes Release Notes and Upgrading Make sure to upgrade Rest Professional  Version 18.0.03 prior to upgrading File Smart  to Version 7.10.1 Check the fileSMART Upgrade Guide to ensure a smooth installa...
  9. REST Professional Cannot Detect Email to Save to Document Management

    Rest Professional Cannot detect sent Emails to save to Document Management Overview When sending an email from one of the Master Files within REST Professional, you have the option to save a copy of this email into the preferred document manag...
  10. STRATA Master Version 10.0 Release Notes

    STRATA Master Version 10.0 Upgrade Training STRATA Master Version 10 includes Online Voting for General Meetings, Multiple Dissections for FSCI, a Delegated Functions report, and a number of other features.  Make the most of the new f...