New Articles

  1. Strata Master Top Tip #78 - Re-balance a Balance Sheet

    Re-balancing a Balance Sheet This tip shows how a Balance Sheet can become unbalanced, and more importantly how to fix it! If the Net Owners Funds and Net Assets don't match and you need to send reports to your owners, or to an auditor, watch ...
  2. Bulk BPAY Setup & Use in Strata Master

    BPAY Setup and Use Bulk BPAY is a payment method often available for making payments to utility companies and councils. Version 11.5 of Strata Master expanded the list of available banks that are able to utilise Bulk BPAY as a payment method to inc...
  3. Strata Master Top Tip #77 - Additional Debtor Lots

    Additional Debtor Lots Learn how to set up and charge an additional debtor in Strata master. The additional debtor function makes it easier to charge an entity that regularly owes the owners corporation money for something – like advertising...
  4. Owner Payment End of Month Wizard Non-Clearing - Video

    Processing Owner Payment End of Month Wizard - Non-Clearing Learn how to process end of month (non clearing) in Rest Professional with this 8.27 minute video. ...
  5. Backing up to cloud via the Pre Migration Wizard

    Completing your Cloud Back Up via the Pre Migration Wizard Completing your Cloud Back Up prior to your Trial Migration If you are uploading the data for a trial migration you will need to ensure that you have completed all account mapping,...
  6. Completing Validation Checks and Account Mapping

    Completing Validation Checks The first step in the Pre Migration Wizard is to complete several validation checks of your data.  The Validation Checks are designed to ensure: You have a Rest Version >= 16.05.04 Tenant Invoice Credit Ledg...
  7. Getting Started with the Pre Migration Wizard

    The Pre Migration Wizard The Pre Migration Wizard should be used to ensure a smooth and successful migration of data from Rest Professional into Property Tree. Using the Pre Migration Wizard will ensure your data is prepared prior to migration....
  8. Rest Professional Version 17.5.05 Release Notes

    Rest Professional Version 17.5.05 General Release Notes To get the most out of Rest Professional, and ensure your business continues to operate at optimal efficiency, we recommend that you upgrade to v17.5.05 today. Find out what we've updated...
  9. Strata Master Top Tip #76 - Data Security

    Data Security This week, learn how to ensure your data is secure and safe from hackers who might try to hold it ransom. Ransomware attacks are becoming more common. Simple steps like proper backups will make it harder for anyone to g...
  10. Strata Master Top Tip #75 - Meeting Resolution Templates

    Meeting Resolution Templates This week, learn how to add additional resolution templates to the meeting wizard in Strata Master.   Save time writing minutes by creating templates that enable you to quickly add various resolutions for com...