New Articles

  1. About Strata Master Custom Headers (Logos)

    How to create your own custom header for STRATA Master reports and levies
  2. Accounting for Prepaid Expenses and Accruals

    Accounting for Prepaid Expenses and Accruals Overview In some cases, an invoice can be received and processed in the current financial period, however the expense may relate to a future financial period. E.G Insurance Premium – Cov...
  3. How to update your Company email address in REST Professional

    How to update your Company email address in REST Professional Overview The Company email address in REST is used to display on all company header information but it is also the email address that will be utilised if you choose to set up...
  4. Choosing to host a REST Database on a NAS Storage Device

    Choosing to host a REST Database on a Network Storage Device (NAS) Overview It is important for all customers that Rockend products are installed and optimised for performance as well as reliability. This is best achieved by...
  5. Statement of Key Financial Information

    Statement of Key Financial Information  A short video explaining how STRATA Master generates the figures for the Statement of Key Financial Information required by the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.  Please Note: The informatio...
  6. STRATA Master version 9.5 Upgrade Training

    STRATA Master Version 9.5 Upgrade Training STRATA Master version 9.5 Release Notes STRATA Master version 9.5.3 Release Notes   Statement of Key Financial Information Video Guide ...
  7. REST Professional V15.5 – Adjust Tenant Reports Menu

    REST Professional V15.5 – Adjust Tenant Reports Menu Problem Due to a hidden Windows setting, in certain circumstances, the new Tenant Ledger Reports drop down menu may appear to the left hand side instead of appearing on the righ...
  8. REST Professional Version 15.5 & fileSMART Version 7.6 On Demand E-Learning

    REST Professional Version 15.5 & fileSMART Version 7.6 On Demand E-Learning. Learn all about the REST Professional Version 15.5 and fileSMART Version 7.6 release with this on demand module.   Release Documentation Release N...
  9. Automatic User Logout in REST Professional

    Automatic User Logout in REST Professional  REST Professional Version 15.5 and above offers an enhancement to the existing locking functionality in REST Professional. Users with sufficient permissions will have the ability to set a lock in the...
  10. Tenant GST Exempt setting in REST Professional Version 15.5 and fileSMART Version 7.6.1

    Tenant GST Exempt setting in REST Professional Version 15.5 and fileSMART Version 7.6.1 REST Professional Version 15.5 and fileSMART Version 7.6.1 offer the ability to change the GST Exempt setting in fileSMART Owner and Tenant Invoic...