Updated Articles

  1.  Bulk BPAY Setup & Use in Strata Master

    BPAY Setup and Use Bulk BPAY is a payment method often available for making payments to utility companies and councils. Version 11.5 of Strata Master expanded the list of available banks that are able to utilise Bulk BPAY as a payment method to inc...
  2.  Version 11.5 Release Webinar

    Keep up to date with the latest feature enhancements in Strata Master. In this webinar, we’ll guide you through the new Owner and Committee portals and show you steps for easy configuration and setup. You’ll also learn how to pay credito...
  3.  Owner Payments & Statements (Non-Clearing) in Rest Professional - Video

    Owner Payments & Statements for Non-Clearing Database | Video Become a payments master! Learn how to action various payment types including split payments, configure statement styles, and what the different reporting options are for these pa...
  4.  Strata Master Top Tip #81 - Portals Tips - Activity Reports & Budgets

    Portals Tips: Portals Activity Reports and Budget Reports The Owner and Committee Portals were given a big update in Version 11.5 of Strata Master . In this pair of tips, you’ll learn how to toggle the budget and levy schedule reports on you...
  5.  Strata Master Owner and Committee Member Portal Upgrade (2019)

    Strata Master Portals Upgrade (2019) The Owner & Committee Portals have been available for Strata Master users as far back as Version 4.5, as a way for lot owners to have ready access to information about their properties online 24/7. The Porta...
  6. How to Process a One Off Owner Payment – Clearing Statements

    How to Process a One Off Owner Payment – Clearing Statements Overview A one off owner payment may be required outside of the usual clearing statement and payment process. This document will cover: How to Process a one off Clearing Stateme...
  7.  Strata Master Top Tip #79 - The Proxy Register

    The Proxy Register Learn how to save and access proxies in this tip. Now you can finally stop carrying around reams of paper to keep track of proxies. With a little help from Strata Master they can be accessed quickly and easily, so you can reac...
  8.  Strata Master Top Tip #78 - Re-balance a Balance Sheet

    Re-balancing a Balance Sheet This tip shows how a Balance Sheet can become unbalanced, and more importantly how to fix it! If the Net Owners Funds and Net Assets don't match and you need to send reports to your owners, or to an auditor, watch ...
  9.  Strata Master Top Tip #77 - Additional Debtor Lots

    Additional Debtor Lots Learn how to set up and charge an additional debtor in Strata master. The additional debtor function makes it easier to charge an entity that regularly owes the owners corporation money for something – like advertising...
  10.  Strata Master Top Tip #80 - Preview and Save Reports for Opening Balances

    Preview and Save Reports for Opening Balances Learn how to reduce errors when entering opening balances, plus a process to follow that will make it easier to fix any issues that come about if a mistake still slips through. So you can not only reduc...