REST Professional Version 14.0.06 Notes

Version 14.0.06 – General Release

Action & Conversation Diary

In some multi-user environments, diary items were temporarily unavailable when Pop-up Diary Reminders were used. This issue has been resolved.

RockendSMS Online

The merge field ArrearsCalcDays1 has been made available when creating templates in RockendSMS Online.

Quotes and Work Orders

When sending bulk Quotes and Work Orders, the Email Subject and PDF attachment were named incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.

Diary Busy Message

In some instances, when multiple users access the Diary list or Calendar at the same time, a diary busy prompt will advise the user “The diary is currently processing a large number of records- please Refresh to continue your search”.

Version 14.0.05 – Beta Release

RockendSMS Enhanced Integration

A RockendSMS Administrator now has the ability to import credentials for RockendSMS users automatically via the RockendSMS Third Party Configuration screen.

Change of Ownership Wizard

All rental column descriptions will display for up to 9 columns in the Change of Ownership Summary generated during the wizard and Owner Statements.  Previously, all journals displayed as Rent.

Emailing Vendor Invoices

When emailing Vendor Invoices from the Preview screen, an option to email the Vendor’s Solicitor is now available.

Action & Conversation Diary

For some users, a concurrency issue caused diary items to disappear until a System Recovery was performed. This issue has been resolved.

Clearing Statements

The following Clearing Statement issues have been resolved:

  • Future Holiday Bookings are now displayed on Clearing Statements and Clearing Statement Preview.
  • When previewing Clearing Statements, full page statements can now be previewed without error.
  • Paying owners by Advance EFT Payment when GST on Bank Charges is applicable no longer causes statement imbalances.
  • When using the Adjust Owner Reprinted Statements Utility, clearing statement information now displays correctly.

Holiday Booking Reports

The following issues have been resolved:

  • The Holiday Booking Availability Chart now displays the correct booking details for properties with changeover dates.
  • The Required Amount in the Holiday Booking Availability Report now displays the correct amount for all bookings.

Log Files

Changes were implemented to resolve some issues around the error logging process in REST:

  • The delays experienced during the Tenant Direct Debits process for some users has been resolved.
  • A file access error experienced by users without permission to the C:\ drive has been resolved.


A mapping issue resulting in RPUpload suburbs uploading incorrectly has been resolved.

REIWA Advertising Feed The REIWA Advertising Feed has been updated with required mapping changes for Terrace, Holiday Rental and Commercial Land.
Tenant Reports Previously, some Tenant Reports did not display correctly immediately after changing the manager on a tenant’s property. This issue has been resolved.
Holiday Bookings The Credit Card Type on Holiday Booking Payments was not saving correctly. This issue has been resolved.
Portfolio Check In some instances, not all Action Required Diary items displayed in the Portfolio Check. This issue has been resolved.

Version 14.0.04 – General Release

Holiday Bookings

Databases licensed for Holiday Bookings can now accommodate unlimited booking records. The previous limit for holiday booking records was 32,767

Emailing Owner Statements

An issue when sending Email Owner Statements in HTML format has been resolved


An issue with related diary items not loading for the selected record in the Action/Diary or Diary List has been resolved

Cancelling transactions from a previous period

An issue that occurred when multiple payments with the same reference number existed in a previous period for different payment types (e.g. EFT and Cheque) has been resolved. Previously, duplicated transaction numbers could not be cancelled.

Sales Transfer

The banking screen that displays as part of processing a Sales Transfer from an Investment Account could previously be closed by using the ESC keyboard shortcut before the transaction was completed. This issue has been resolved.

Editing Sales Outstanding Disbursements

The balances on this screen have been updated to include the Advertising balance in the same format as the Sales Disbursement screen

Reprinting Owner Statements

Reprinted Owner Statements for previous months will each display the address saved against the owner for the selected month. Previously, some statements displayed old owner addresses when reprinting a range of statements.

Energy Efficiency Rating

The new EER field introduced to Property Details and Sale Details in V14.0.02 is now included in the web advertising upload to portals through REST

Export Data

The Export Data Template functionality introduced in V14.0.02 of REST has been extended and is now also available for databases licensed for Sales Only suburbs

This spreadsheet has been updated and will be replaced during the upgrade to V14.0.04 of REST

Microsoft Office 2016

REST Professional has passed certification for Microsoft Office 2016

RockendSMS Configuration

The username and password columns in the RockendSMS Configuration screen have been renamed Access Token and Token ID to be consistent with naming in RockendSMS Online

File Changes Report

This report has been modified to display more details when a Change of Ownership or Tenant Invoice Credit is processed

KPI Reports

Weekly and Monthly KPI Reports have been updated to include existing properties that are re-leased to new tenants as well as lease renewals for existing tenants

SMS for NZ mobile numbers

Functionality has been added to allow SMS messages to be sent to New Zealand mobile numbers containing between 9 and 11 digits. Previously, 11 digit numbers could not be used.

REI Web Forms

REI Web Forms have been updated to include relevant details for multiple tenant contacts when merging to forms that show multiple contacts

Holiday Booking Chart

The option to select or deselect Holiday property order has been removed from the Holiday Booking Chart. This report will display all results in holiday property order by default.


Changes were made to various areas in RPUpload:

  • The KPI functionality has been removed from the RPUpload feed
  • The RPUpload Configuration screen field names have been renamed to be more descriptive
  • Additional data validation has been added
  • Previously uploaded tenants that have been deleted can be updated successfully

Property Ledger

An issue previously occurred in some instances when viewing Complete History on the Property Ledger after the property Gained or Lost date was set to be in a previous month. This issue has been resolved.

Replicate Property

An issue with the Diary - Actions Required screen displaying when replicating a property has been resolved

Creditor Remittance & Payment

When a printer error occurs during the Creditor Remittance & Payment and Bond Disbursement process, the error message has been improved to provide more information

Enhanced RockendSMS

  • Some RockendSMS validation messages when authenticating users have been changed to achieve consistency with other third party services in REST
  • An issue when saving an Owner SMS to Document Management from the merge type of Contact has been resolved
  • The confirmation message that displays when sending an SMS message to a Strata or Insurance contact has been modified. Previously, the message included a reference to diary item creation which was incorrect.

File Changes Report

  • The Index on this report was previously incorrectly displayed as SALE P when AAINVCRED was activated in System Options. The Index now displays as AAINVCRED
  • The Index on this report was previously incorrectly displayed as USER when a Change of Ownership was processed. The Index now displays as Owner and more details about each Change of Ownership are included on the report.

Version 14.0.03 – Beta Release

Single Mail Merge to Microsoft Word

An issue with incorrect merge information being used when creating a letter from the Word Merge icon on single contact screens has been resolved

Active User List

An issue with the menu item Other > Active User List not being available in some instances has been resolved

Version 14.0.02 – Beta Release

Export Data (New Feature)

Menu changes

  • The menu item previously named Other > Print Letters / Export Data has been renamed to Other > Print Letters / Mail Merge
  • A new menu item is available named Other > Export Data

Print Letters / Mail Merge

The functionality to export data to File or Excel is now accessed from the new menu item Other > Export Data

User Details

A new security level has been added for all users in REST named Print Letters / Export Data


Setup and Use

Please refer to REST Professional Help (available from the Export Data screen) for more information on the Export Data feature see the Export Data Setup and Use Guide

Export Data

The following functions can be performed from the Export Data screen:

  • Export to Excel (export all merge fields for the selected merge type to Excel)
  • Export to File (export all merge fields for the selected merge type to a file that can imported into Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access)
  • Create new templates (export a selection of merge fields for the selected merge type to Excel)
  • Export to Existing Template (select from a list of existing User-defined and System templates and export to Excel)
  • Delete a Template (delete a User-defined template)

RockendSMS Enhanced Integration

Third Party Services Configuration

REST customers using Edgility as an SMS provider will have access to the enhanced SMS features of RockendSMS Online. A new screen has been added to allow individual users to be configured for RockendSMS Enhanced Integration.

Single SMS Messages

When sending SMS messages in REST, the new RockendSMS browser screen will load for all REST users configured for RockendSMS Enhanced Integration. If RockendSMS Configuration has not been activated, messages will be sent using the old RockendSMS functionality.

Setup and Use

Please refer to REST Professional Help (available from the REST Help menu) for more information on RockendSMS Enhanced Integration see the RockendSMS Enhanced Integration Setup and Use Guide

Replicate a Property

Property Details

The Property Details screen has been enhanced to include a Replicate button. Please refer to REST Professional Help (available from the REST Help menu) for more information on the details that are copied when replicating a rental property.

Other Enhancements

Energy Efficiency Rating (EER)

A new field is available to record the Energy Efficiency Rating on properties. The EER Rating is currently not used elsewhere in REST but will be available to be uploaded to Advertising Portals in V14 General Release.

Bank Trust Account Reconciliation Report
(Sage Case (684869)

To meet legislation requirements, in Tasmania, a change has been made to the wording of the Bank Trust Account Reconciliation Report that is generated for a successful bank reconciliation

Property Vacancy Counter Report

The New Property Vacancy Counter Report has been enhanced to display up to two Open Home entries

fileSMART Creditor Disbursements

The FSCD screen now include an option to filter results by Manager. Manager initials will also display in the grid and on FSCD Print Lists.

Other Changes

Tenant Details

The error when archiving a tenant and selecting Yes to the prompt to set today’s date as the vacate date has been resolved

Recurring Transactions

An error that occurred when loading a recurring transaction where the amount has more than 10 digits has been resolved

Recurring Transactions

An error that occurred in some instances when deleting a recurring transaction dated in the month of February

Receipt Cancellation

In some instances a rent receipt from a previous period could not be cancelled although the owner has sufficient funds to cover the reversal. This issue has been resolved.

Inspection Planner and Follow Up

An issue previously occurred during the Merge & Send step if a template saved in the Inspection Planner Configuration screen was subsequently renamed or deleted. This issue has been resolved.

ADL Forms

A change has been made to ADL Form 11 (Notice to Remedy Breach) to display the tenant’s Effective Paid to Date when the database region is set to QLD

Bond Disbursements

An issue with Bond Cheques not processing correctly when a printer error is experienced during the Bond Disbursement process has been resolved

Tenant Refund

An issue occurred when processing a tenant refund for a tenant with multiple rent columns where some columns are in arrears. Previously, all arrears amounts were cleared when processing the tenant refund. This issue was resolved by checking all columns before allowing a tenant refund to be processed.

Agency GST Report

A GST rounding issue on management fees for some Commercial Owners on Statement Style when generating the Agency GST Report 13 has been resolved

Commercial Tax Invoice Ledger

An issue previously occurred where all receipts for part payments of a Commercial Rent invoice did not all display on the Commercial Tax Invoice Ledger if they were receipted during the same month. This issue has been resolved.

Tenant Ledgers

An issue where additional blank lines displayed on the Tenant Ledger and Quick Tenant Ledger has been resolved

Tenant Ledgers

An issue where an incorrect entry displayed on some Tenant Ledgers when repeatedly previewing the ledger has been resolved

Audit Report

The following issues have been resolved:

  • Holding Deposit Receipts did not display when filtering the Audit Report by the transaction type of Holding Deposit
  • Details of letters sent did not display on the Audit Report in Version 12.5

Cash Book Receipts Report

In some instances, this report displayed the incorrect property alpha when selecting the option Print Eftpos only. This issue has been resolved.

Property Advertised Report

An issue displaying the full advertisement description on the Property Advertised Report in some instances has been resolved

Sales Advertised Report

The error when viewing the current month’s Sales Advertised Report immediately after a Files Update has been resolved

Sale Investment Register

The title of the Sale Investment Register now displays the month and year of the selected period


  • An issue with the validation of some suburbs in the RPUpload process has been resolved
  • Changes have been implemented to ensure the correct version of RPUpload is installed

Version 14.0.01 – Rockend Internal Release

02/02/2016 10:59 am AEDT

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