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  1. How to Reverse a BPAY Payment in REST Professional

    How to Reverse BPAY Payments in REST Overview  You may be required to reverse a BPAY payment due to an incorrect reference number or Biller Code or maybe an incorrect amount or creditor has been paid. This process outlines the steps required t...
  2. WA End of Year Audit Procedure in Rest Professional

    WA End of Year Audit Procedure in Rest Professional Introduction In WA you are required to carry out an end of year audit as at the 31 December. This does not need to coincide with your end-of-month process for December.  Use the instructions bel...
  3. Tenant Refund – Apply Part to Invoices and Balance to Tenant

    Tenant Refund – Apply Part to Invoices and Balance to Tenant Overview Tenant is vacating and requires a refund; however, there are still outstanding invoices that need to be paid before the refund is given. This document will cover the two ways...
  4. REST Professional - Upgrade databases from an earlier version

    Rest Professional - Upgrade databases from an earlier version     Summary                                                                                    When attempting to update Rest Professional from an outdated version, you may r...
  5. How to Install a new STRATA Master Server

    How to install STRATA Master on your computer or server. The instructions cover both a Single User and a Network Installation.
  6. Owner and Tenant Portals with REST Communicator

    Owner and Tenant Portals with Rest Communicator Overview Rest Communicator delivers the ability to offer branded and  customisable  Owner & Tenant Portals via the internet to your client base. Owner and Tenant Portals with Rest Communicator allow...
  7. How to Amend Rent Credits in Rest Professional

    How to Amend Rent Credits in Rest Professional Overview You may be required to apply a tenant credit, remove a tenant credit or apply a credit amount to advance the tenant paid to date in Rest Professional. Note:  Amounts in the Tenant Rental ...
  8. How to Process a Bond Disbursement

    How to Process a Bond Disbursement Overview When bond monies are collected from the tenant (or government agency) they are receipted to the tenants bond. This is done through Transactions > Rent Receipts and clicking on the Payments tab. The bond ...
  9. How to Setup and Use REST Mobile

    How to Setup and Use REST Mobile REST Mobile is a free mobile application for devices such as the iPhone, Android phone, iPad and Android tablet. REST mobile allows you to access your REST Owner, Tenant, Creditor and Sale contacts from your mob...
  10. How to Reverse an ABA File in REST Professional

    How to Reverse an ABA File in REST Professional Overview You have processed your owner payments at End of Month, and you have reviewed the ABA File to discover you have paid an owner that wanted their funds on hold for the month. ...