New Articles

  1. fileSMART Printers Installation Guide

    fileSMART Printers Installation Guide Follow these steps to install the fileSMART printers: Open your Windows menu and search for and run the fileSMART Printer Installer (this will already be installed on your PC) Sel...
  2. fileSMART PrintMail Installation Guide

    fileSMART PrintMail Installation Guide Follow these steps to install PrintMail on a workstation that already has fileSMART Archive installed: 1. Open your Windows menu and search for and run the fileSMART Client Installer (this will a...
  3. Why can't I find my documents after changing an alpha code?

    Why can't i find my documents after changing an alpha code? If you have changed a property alpha code in REST Professional (or Console Gateway), this information is not automatically updated in fileSMART Archive. What this means is that you...
  4. How to complete or remove an incomplete collation in fileSMART PrintMail

    How to Complete or Remove an Incomplete Collation in fileSMART PrintMail How to Resume a Collation from the In Progress Collations List If you have an incomplete collation in fileSMART PrintMail, you will see a number eg. (1) beside the In...
  5. How to Bulk Edit Documents in fileSMART Archive

    How to Bulk Edit Documents in fileSMART Archive If you have Bulk Edit permissions then you will be able to edit multiple documents at the same time. This is useful if you need to change labels for many documents from one criteria to another.&nb...
  6. How do I set up Scanning to fileSMART Archive?

    Setting up Scanning to fileSMART Users must be correctly configured to a scanner to allow the importation of documents for subsequent processing by fileSMART. However, the process of scanning documents between a scanner and workstation or serve...
  7. How to Search

    How to Search Searching for Archived Documents Documents must first be archived in fileSMART Archive  before performing a search to locate them. The search is made using the Search Labels which are the same as the Archiv...
  8. How to Archive

    How to Archive When documents are in your Pending Queue, they should be archived promptly so they can be located easily in the future. Archive a single item in your Pending Queue Follow these steps to Archive a do...
  9. Standard Document Types for Property Management

    Standard Document Types for Property Management Overview There are standard document types that come with each of the archiving folders in fileSMART Archive. The items shown in Bold below are used by the fileSMART Auto ...
  10. Standard Document Types for STRATA Master

    Standard Document Types for STRATA Master Overview There are standard document types that come with each of the archiving folders in fileSMART Archive. Because certain documents are automatically archived by STRATA Mast...