fileSMART Creditor Disbursements with REST Professional


REST Professional Version 14.5 and fileSMART Version 7.0.2 and above introduces fileSMART Tenant Invoices, which has been incorporated seamlessly into the existing invoice processing workflow in fileSMART

This document highlights the changes to the existing fileSMART Creditor Disbursements (FSCD) feature when using REST Professional to process fileSMART Creditor Disbursements with the fileSMART Tenant Invoices feature

  • To use REST Tenant Water Invoices with fileSMART a minimum of REST Professional Version 14.5 and fileSMART Version 7.0.2 is required. Refer to Setting Up Enhanced Integration REST Professional and fileSMART for more information on setting up integration for the first time, or contact Rockend for assistance
  • The REST database must be configured to use Water Invoicing
  • fileSMART Creditor Disbursements must be activated in REST Professional
  • fileSMART Tenant Invoices must be activated in REST Professional

Changes to the fileSMART Creditor Disbursements in v14.5

When using fileSMART Creditor Disbursements with the new fileSMART Tenant Invoices feature the following changes have been made to existing fileSMART Creditor Disbursements functionality:

  • The menu option fileSMART Creditor Disbursements previously accessed from the Transaction menu in REST has been relocated to fall under the new menu item Transactions > fileSMART Integration
  • In addition to existing functionality, when creditor disbursements are processed in REST via fileSMART Creditor Disbursements, REST will display a prompt to load the fileSMART Tenant Invoices screen if pending tenant water invoices are detected
  • Water invoices with linked tenant water invoices will display new icons indicating the status of each invoice available for processing in fileSMART Creditor Disbursements
  • The Charge Tenant Water status saved in Property Details > Information will display in the Property Details section for each invoice fileSMART Creditor Disbursements grid

Processing fileSMART Creditor Disbursements in v14.5

When using fileSMART Creditor Disbursements with the new fileSMART Tenant Invoices feature, water invoices approved in fileSMART using REST Owner & Tenant Water Invoicing Workflow will be available for bulk processing of outstanding disbursements in fileSMART Creditor Disbursements as per current Barcoded Invoicing Workflow functionality

There are three easy steps to processing fileSMART Creditor Disbursements in REST Professional:

  • Review the invoice details sent via fileSMART Workflow
  • Create REST Tenant Invoices if required
  • Process outstanding creditor disbursements

Review the invoice details sent via fileSMART Workflow

Select Transactions > fileSMART Integration > fileSMART Creditor Disbursements to load all invoices approved in fileSMART Workflow

Selecting each row in the grid will display Owner, Creditor and Property details as well as the fileSMART Workflow History for the selected row

The following options are available when selecting a row in the grid:

  • The View Creditor button will display the Creditor assigned to the selected invoice
  • The View Property button will  display the Property assigned to the selected invoice
  • The View Invoice button will display the invoice in fileSMART Archive
  • The View PM Job button will display the Property Maintenance Job that is displayed in the Job No column against the invoice
  • The Print List button will produce a report of the invoices displayed in the grid

The following fields are editable:

  • CRN/Ref
  • Description
  • Job No
  • Job Status
  • Date Due
  • Acct Code
  • Amount
  • GST
  • Sup Fee
  • Priority
  • Disb W/H


  • Deleting a row will not delete the invoice in fileSMART Archive
  • REST tenant Invoices created during the session will not be deleted.

Filtering and Sorting

The fileSMART Creditor Disbursements screen allows sorting of each column by selecting the column header in the grid. Filters also assist in searching for specific invoices. The grid can be filtered to display invoices for a specific value or a combination of all filters.

To filter the list of invoices displayed in the grid:

  1. Enter the required filters in one or more of the following fields:
  • Creditor Alpha
  • Mgr
  • Property Alpha
  • CRN/Ref No
  1. Select the Filter button. The grid will display records filtered by your search criteria

Useful Tip: Sort the Inv Tnt column to display icons of the same type together to easily identify the status of tenant invoices

NOTE: Outstanding disbursements will only be created for invoices displayed in the grid and selected to include for processing

Property Maintenance Jobs

Invoices processed from the fileSMART Creditor Disbursements screen can be linked to an existing Property Maintenance Job. The Job can be completed with or without creating a diary item

To link and complete a Property Maintenance Job:

  • Confirm or enter the Job Number against the invoice in the grid
  • Select a Job Status for the invoice
    • None: The Job Status is not changed
    • Complete: The Job Status is set to Completed
    • Complete & Diary: The Job Status is set to Completed and a Maintenance Diary Item is created

The Property Maintenance Invoice tab details will be updated with the details of the outstanding disbursement created during processing of fileSMART Creditor Disbursements. The date and time the disbursement was created will display, and an option will be available to display the invoice in fileSMART Archive

Note: When changes are made to rows in the grid, closing the fileSMART Creditor Disbursements screen without processing will not save changes and REST tenant Invoices created during the session will not be deleted

Create REST Tenant Invoices

Water invoices with linked tenant water invoices will display new icons indicating the status of each invoice:




Pending in REST

The linked creditor is configured with the option to Prompt for Tenant Invoicing in REST

Processed in REST

A REST tenant invoice was created during the current session

Pending in fileSMART

The water invoice was approved in REST Owner & Tenant Water Invoicing Workflow in fileSMART Archive and is ready for processing in fileSMART Tenant Invoices

Processed in fileSMART

The water invoice was processed in fileSMART Tenant Invoices in REST during the current session

NOTE: FileSMART Tenant Invoices can be launched at any time via the fileSMART Creditor Disbursements screen by selecting the Load FSTI button.  When selecting to load fileSMART Tenant Invoices via the Load FSTI button, any changes to rows in the grid will not be saved

Process Outstanding Creditor Disbursements

REST Professional will automatically create outstanding disbursements for the selected rows in the grid. To finalise the process:

  1. Ensure the information in the grid has been reviewed
  2. Ensure all required REST Tenant Invoices have been created
  3. Ensure all the rows ready for the creation of outstanding disbursements are selected. When using the Select All checkbox to check all rows, only valid rows will be included for processing. To manually validate the invoice data, simply select the checkbox for the specific row
  4. Select the Process button to create outstanding disbursements for all the invoices selected to include. A printer selector will display to allow you to select the invoice printer. The report selector screen will display when processing is complete, and a report of processed outstanding disbursements will be available to preview, print or export

Useful Tip: Prior to processing, select the Print List button to preview, print or export a report of the information displayed in the grid. The report will also display details of REST tenant invoices created during the session

Creating fileSMART Tenant Invoices

When creditor disbursements are processed successfully, REST Professional will display a prompt to load the fileSMART Tenant Invoices screen if pending tenant water invoices are detected. For more information on using this feature, please refer to the REST Professional Help file in REST Professional.

11/10/2018 4:35 pm AEDT

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