New Articles

  1. Strata Master Top Tip #48 - Add Company Nominee

    Add Company Nominee Learn how to add a company nominee to a lot in Strata Master.  Not only is this necessary for your meetings, we'll also show you how to have the nominee appear on your meeting reports, so when you're in a meeting y...
  2. Strata Master System Requirements

    Strata Master System Requirements                    Full System Requirements Documentation The following are minimum and recommended system requirements for Strata Master. Whilst the p...
  3. Rest Professional System Requirements

    Rest Professional System Requirements                    Full System Requirements Documentation The following are minimum and recommended system requirements for Rest Professional. Whilst th...
  4. Owner Payments & Statements (Non-Clearing) in Rest Professional - Video

    Owner Payments & Statements for Non-Clearing Database | Video Become a payments master! Learn how to action various payment types including split payments, configure statement styles, and what the different reporting options are for these pa...
  5. REST Professional - Upgrade databases from an earlier version

    Rest Professional - Upgrade databases from an earlier version     Summary                                            &...
  6. Bank Reconciliation for Rest Professional - Video

    Bank Reconciliation for Rest Professional | Video Learn about completing a Bank Reconciliation in Rest Professional.  This video covers, why to complete a bank reconciliation, an overview of the Rest Professional Bank Reconciliation screen an...
  7. New Zealand End of Financial Year - Overview - Video

    Processing New Zealand End of Financial Year in REST Professional - Overview Video Want a  quick overview of the process required for the New Zealand End of Financial Year in Rest Professional?  Watch this quick 1.23 minute video.   ...
  8. New Zealand End of Financial Year - EOFY Statements with File Smart Video

    Processing New Zealand End of Financial Year in Rest Professional -  End of Financial Year Statements with File Smart - Video Learn how to process the New Zealand End of Financial Year Statements in Rest Professional processing the Financial ...
  9. Australian End of Financial Year - EOFY Statements in Rest - Video

    Processing Australian End of Financial Year in Rest Professional - EOFY Statements - Video Learn how to process the New Zealand End of Financial Year Statements thru Rest Professional with this 2.35 minute video. ...
  10. New Zealand End of Financial Year - March End of Month - Video

    Processing New Zealand End of Financial Year in REST Professional -  March End of Month - Video Learn how to process the March End of Month for the New Zealand End of Financial Year in Rest Professional  with this 1.23 minute video. ...