New Articles

  1. Strata Community Association Members Disclosure Statement 1 July 2021

    Strata Community Association Members Disclosure Statement 1 July 2021 Professional Standards Legislation requires the following statement for association members who are covered by a Professional Standards scheme, in a font size no less than Times ...
  2. Resetting Strataprinters.ini File

    Resetting Strataprinters.ini File Printing issues can be caused by a change in the Windows Devices and Printers settings that has not been updated into the file that instructs Strata Master on the printer settings. That file is called strataprinter...
  3. Change a Levy Description

    Change a Levy Description This article will assist you to change a Levy Description on a Levy, for example, you may need to change the description from Standard Levy Quarter 1 to Levy 1 July 20xx to 30 Sept 20xx. Note that once a Levy Notice has b...
  4. Change an Account Code

    Change An Account Code This article will assist you to determine whether an account code change is possible, or has any adverse repercussions if you do make the change.  Important Note - Any changes or additions to the Chart of Accounts aff...
  5. Cancelling Levy By Owner

    Cancelling Levy For One Lot Owner This article will assist you to cancel a levy for one Lot Owner, or only a few of the Lot Owners in a Plan. To cancel a Levy for the whole Plan refer to Accounting > Adjustments > Search/Cancel Levy Posting...
  6. StrataVote How To Guide

    StrataVote How to Guide  Summary Strata Master Version 14 delivers a two-way integration with StrataVote, allowing Strata Master users to access the full breadth of StrataVote’s unrivalled meeting functionality from within the Strata...
  7. How to Use myMRI Portal

    How to Use myMRI Portal The MyMRI Portal is primarily a platform to log new support cases for your company and keep up to date with the progress of outstanding cases by viewing notes and updates from our Support Team. To watch the video on how to ...
  8. How to Audit Tenant Holding Deposits

    How to Audit Tenant Holding Deposits Overview If you are using tenant holding deposits, it is important to ensure you are auditing the reports monthly to ensure they are reconciled. This document will take you over the steps to ensure the Tenant D...
  9. How to Audit Tenant Invoice Credit

    How to Audit Tenant Invoice Credit  Overview If you are utilising the Tenant Invoice Credit feature, you need to ensure this is being reconciled on a monthly basis to ensure it's not out of balance. This means that the total amount of Ten...
  10. Ascend Celebrating Rest Professional Resources

    Ascend Celebrating Rest Professional Resources  Property Management and expectations from customers have shifted significantly over the past 30 years as well as some of the biggest legislations changes the industry has ever seen. As the indust...