Edit Strata Plan Association Type Details in Strata Master


This article will assist when details of an Association Type (Scheme, Community Title or other ) needs to be updated.  

Edit the Details of an Association Type

  1. On the Configure menu, select Association Types to open the Association/Scheme Types Configuration form.
  2. Select the association or scheme type to be changed from the list of association and scheme types. This displays a Read Only group box with the details of the selected association or scheme type.
  3. Click the Edit button on the toolbar to change the form to Edit mode.
  4. Change the association or scheme type name, and/or status certificate name, and/or status certificate document template name as required.
  5. Click on the Save button on the toolbar.

Notes Regarding Templates

  • If you leave the status certificate document template name blank, Strata Master will advise that a status certificate cannnot be produced. You will still be able to save the new association type.
  • If the name of the status certificate document template field does not match exactly with the file in the Template folder of the Strata folder on the server, Strata Master will advise that the status certificate document template does not exist, and that a status certificate cannot be produced. You will still be able to save the new association type.

Edit Meeting Templates

The steps to edit meeting templates are found in this article.

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11/01/2024 6:56 pm AEDT

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